Harvest Moon and Lunar Eclipse!

Culmination. Harvest. The Full Harvest moon happened today at 12:05 pm PDT in the sign of Pisces. The last full moon before the autumn equinox (Sept. 21) is called the Harvest Moon, because farmers use the extra bright light of the full moon to harvest their crops before the freeze of autumn. What does this mean for us non-farmers?
Its a time to go deep and let the old wounds surface, revealing themselves like ripe fruit ready to be picked and harvested once and for all, purging the old and receiving from it the sustenance from their teachings. This full moon is accompanied by an eclipse further adding depth to these days.
Indeed a time for detailed planning with expansive imagination.
There is a bounty to harvest ~ many of us have been through a lot in these last few months. Now we can take a bit of time to reflect, regroup and share the waning summer days with our community.